We are convinced that it is possible to build a safer, more supportive and prosperous country, which is the Venezuela of Peace, Welfare and Progress, living under the protection of an authentic and sincere justice, a fair justice; turning Venezuela into a producer country, where work serves to generate life and is a respected and well valued activity.
We traveled throughout Venezuela for six years, in extensive listening processes with people in cities, towns and villages, from which we gathered the popular feeling that, in order to achieve the Venezuela we want, “The Best Venezuela”, we must focus on three great desires: Peace, Welfare and Progress.
We can build a country where the problems that have never been solved are solved, so that each family has a future and a purpose, so that services work, more lives are saved and the common good multiplies. We want all Venezuelans to be able to unite in the construction of The Best Venezuela in a plural, prosperous, free and inclusive framework, where we can live in peace and democracy.
The Best Venezuela is the country where all rights are for all people equally, without exclusion of any kind. This is the path of action and struggle that we have traced for ourselves and that we propose to all our Venezuelan brothers.

Press Leopoldo López (Madrid, 22.02.21). - The political leader, Leopoldo López, thanked the European Union this Monday for the new sanctions against Human Rights violators of the Venezuelan regime. Among…

Press Leopoldo López (Madrid, 17.02.21). - The political leader, Leopoldo López, challenged Nicolás Maduro to go "together to any International Court to see who gets jailed", as a response to…

Venezuelan political leader, Leopoldo López, celebrated the beginning of the constitution of the National Roundtable for Access to the COVAX Strategy, which will allow Venezuela to access a vaccination plan…